Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração

About the Journal

About TMM

The journal Technology in Metallurgy, Materials and Mining, TMM (ISSN online 2176-1523) is an Open Access and online scientific publication of ABM – Brazilian Association of Metallurgy, Materials and Mining, peer-reviewed, with annual periodicity and edited by Editora Cubo. In August 2020, it has adopted the continuous flow publication model.

Since 2004, TMM has been publishing papers in the fields of metallurgy, materials and mining with the aim of disseminating knowledge and promoting exchange between the academic community and community and industry professionals, both nationally and internationally, registering technological advances, valuing academic production and encouraging the dissemination of innovations and technological improvements in processes and products in their related areas.

By publishing high-quality articles with applied studies and research, the journal helps to maintain and expand cultural knowledge in these disciplines and contributes to the solution of practical problems faced by industries, which can lead to improvements in efficiency, cost reduction and increased competitiveness.

The journal accepts contributions of the following types: original article, review article and short communications, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in the areas of metallurgy, materials and mining, focusing on the scientific and technological aspects of these areas.

Publishing articles in three languages allows the journal to reach a global audience, promoting cultural and scientific exchange. Linguistic diversity helps to include different perspectives and advances in the fields of study.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Tecnol. Metal. Mater. Min., and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.

Open Access Policy

Online journal, Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, without restrictions as long as the original paper is correctly cited.

By adopting the open access model, TMM facilitates free access to scientific knowledge, democratizing information and allowing anyone interested to have access to articles, regardless of their geographical location or financial status.

Intellectual Property and Plagiarism

Since June 2020, the papers are published under the terms of the CC-BY - Creative Commons Attribution License. The terms previously adopted were CC BY-NC-ND.

Before release to the editors, the articles are analyzed by the editorial assistant, checking compliance with the submission rules, as well as the absence of plagiarism, through the iThenticate system (in use since April 2020).

In October 2024, the journal began publishing the name of the editor responsible for the evaluation process inside each article.

Indexing and Repositories:





Google Scholar



TMM is fully funded by the ABM (Brazilian Association of Metallurgy, Materials and Mining), which also receives a contribution (publication fee) from non-member authors for the publication of their approved articles.

Tecnol. Metal. Mater. Min.

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