Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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Feliciano-Bruzual, Cristobal

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Ironmaking is among the most carbon intensive industries in the world, metallurgists are researching for options to replace the use of coke and coal by renewable fuels as such biomass chars. In this respect, the re-introduction of charcoal in blast furnaces appears as feasible alternative to mitigate the CO2 emission in the process. Nevertheless, for the production of charcoal large extensions of land are required for the generation of wood. In this regard, the present work aims to contribute by assessing the actual CO2 mitigation potential, as well as the charcoal and plantation areas associated with an increase of charcoal use in blast furnaces. The first sections build on the technical aspects of charcoal blast furnace and the ecological limitations of charcoal production. The methodology shows scenarios in which fossil fuels are replaced by 10-25% charcoal. The results show that the use of charcoal may prevent the generation of 229-572 MMt CO2 in the ironmaking process, and to achieve this ambitious goal 46-115 MM t charcoal would be required, however plantation areas of 13-33 MM ha should be dedicated to the generation of biomass. Based on the results, it is considered challenging the further proliferation of 100% Charcoal-BF outside Brazil.


Charcoal, Blast furnace, Bio-PCI, CO2 emissions, Sustainability.


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