Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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Gabriela Ferrante Rijo de Oliveira, Amilton Barbosa Botelho Junior, Jorge Alberto Soares Tenório

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ract The recovery of nickel from laterite ores has been increasing during the years. From the limonite layers of laterite ores, HPAL process is used to recover nickel and also cobalt. After the leaching step using sulfuric acid, a separation step is required. Ion exchange technique is commonly used, mainly solvent extraction. Cyanex 272 is usually used as an organic extract to separate cobalt from nickel-rich solution. Despite that, the use of more than one organic extract can increase the metals separation and it is not explored. The goal of this work was to study the synergism of Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 to separate cobalt from nickel-rich solution. Experiments were performed at pH 5.2 and 65°C. Results showed that cobalt separation was maximum using 80% of Ionquest 290 and 20% of Cyanex 272 (99.3%). Nickel losses were minimum using 60% of Ionquest 290-4.6%. Manganese, copper, zinc and calcium were all extracted in all experiments.


Solvent extraction; Nickel laterite; Hydrometallurgy; Synergism.


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