Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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The impact of the emission trading scheme on the european steel industry and the future trends for technologies for obtaining primary iron

Jean Philippe Santos Gherardi de Alencar, Wander Luiz Vasconcelos, Valdirene Gonzaga de Resende

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Climate change is often subject of discussions around the world that implies in several initiatives that support the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG). Currently, countries that signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 have plans to restrict GHG emissions based on the NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) established. These reductions are expected to come also from industries, including the steel one. Some countries and regions are highlighted for having more developed policies than the rest of the world, such as Europe, which since 2005 has been implementing an Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). In this context, the European steel industry has been facing challenges which impose a need for disruptive technology innovation. This work presents four different European steel mills from different countries. A variety of finished products were analyzed, and it was found that in all four cases there is a deficit between the verified GHG emissions and the licenses granted for emission. The specific emissions per ton of steel and energy efficiency of each plant play an important role in justifying these differences in CO2 balance among the plants. Therefore, there are multiple initiatives in progress involving steel producers in Europe that encourage the use of new technologies and modified routes to reduce and mitigate the volume of emissions in the steel production chain. The success of these initiatives from a technical and an economic point of view is the path to sustainability, competitiveness and value generation for the future industry.


Greenhouse gases; Emissions; Ironmaking; Steelmaking.


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