Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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The effects of agglomeration time and burnt lime addition on the optimization of iron ore cold agglomeration process

Jean Philippe Santos Gherardi de Alencar, Fernando Luiz Câmara Campos Júnior

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The thinning of iron ore particles is a reality that brings an important challenge for the agglomeration routes aiming to prepare appropriate burden for the reduction reactors as blast furnaces. Different alternatives routes and use of additives have been tested in order to seek better levels of productivity. As important as raising these parameters that can be solutions to the challenge of fines is to create test conditions that allow to predict the behavior of the sintering industrial plant. A very interesting physical simulation in this context is the cold permeability test JPU, capable of estimating how efficient was the cold agglomeration. This study carried out a series of JPU tests aiming to evaluate the burnt lime dosage and agglomeration time effects on bed permeability. The results obtained were satisfactory and were consistent with the literature. Considering the ranges used, it was noted that the granulation time that obtained the highest permeability was 6 minutes. Higher times had worse results and it was noted an inversely proportional correlation, thus indicating some possible type of quasiparticles degradation in longer time cycles. On the other hand, the addition of burnt lime up to 2% is beneficial for the permeability of the mixture studied, after that value the addition of lime no longer improves the granulation.


Iron ore; Sintering; Permeability; Agglomeration.


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