Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Artigo Original – Edição especial 75th ABM Annual Congress

Influence of Arapaima gigas fish scales as reinforcement in DGEBA/TETA epoxy composite for flooring applications: mechanical and thermal behavior

Wendell Bruno Almeida Bezerra; Ulisses Oliveira Costa; João Gabriel Passos Rodrigues; Benjamin Seth Lazarus; Sheron Stephany Tavares; Fernanda Santos da Luz; Sérgio Neves Monteiro

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Given the ever-growing environmental concerns, repurposing natural materials is a viable approach to developing novel green materials. Thus, the use of fish scales as reinforcement in composites has great potential. This work aimed to evaluate the influence of using arapaima fish scales as reinforcement in DGEBA/TETA epoxy composites on the mechanical and thermal properties. Composite plates using 30 vol% of arapaima fish scales were analyzed through compression tests, DMA, TGA, and DSC. The compression tests of 30 vol% arapaima/epoxy composites showed a significant increase both in Young’s modulus (from 710.88±98 at 0% to 1406.20±241 MPa at 30 vol% of scales) and compressive strength (from 20.80±7.14 at 0% to 68.4±11.69 MPa at 30 vol% of scales). The DMA and TGA results showed an improvement in the thermal properties of the composites as compared to the neat epoxy resin, while the DSC results demonstrated that the use of the fish scales as reinforcement did not impair the thermal stability of the resin. These results support the potential of arapaima fish scales as reinforcement in polymeric composites for flooring applications that require high compressive strength and thermal stability


Arapaima fish scales; Epoxy; Green composites; Flooring; Thermal behavior; Mechanical properties


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