Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Original Article

Correlation between surface and processing parameters of an Nb-48Ti alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing

Willy Ank de Morais; Jhoan Sebastian Guzmán Hernández; Izabel Fernanda Machado; Fernando José Gomes Landgraf

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The performance of engineering materials depends on the conciliation between their structure defined by the fabrication process and the properties required for their application. Within this context, the new developments in the Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes offer great potential to generate new applications and induce technological innovations with engineering materials. In this field, there are still many challenges to understanding, configuring, and controlling this new production process, which, however, has excellent potential for use in several areas, such as biomedical applications. Therefore, based on the concept of the interconnection of surface characteristics to processing parameters internal structure/properties, the present work proposed the use of profilometry results measured in cubes of the Nb-48Ti alloy previously produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) to describe some aspects of its performance. Fractal dimension (Df ) and solidification front semi-angles from top surfaces in the (asymmetrical) molten pool were correlated with process parameters (EV, energy input by volume) and structural performance (%RD, relative density). The results demonstrated the potential of using surface characterization to evaluate some process parameters of metal products obtained by LPBF


Additive Manufacturing; Laser powder bed fusion; Profilometry; Niobium; Molten pool; Metallurgical characterization


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