Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Artigo Original

Optimization of sintering machine parameters using simulated annealing metaheuristic

Karina Assini Andreatta; Flávio Tulio Busatto

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The sintering process consists of agglomerating fine iron ore with other materials and additives to form a porous agglomerate called sinter. The sinter is used as feedstock for blast furnaces, where it is converted into pig iron, which is the basis for steel production. One of the major challenges of the sintering process is the degradation of the chemical quality of the iron ores, which can affect the quality of the sinter produced. Therefore, this work proposes an approach to optimize the parameters for sintering machines. This approach uses machine learning and computational optimization techniques based on the simulated annealing algorithm by analyzing production history data with the aim of maximizing sinter productivity and yield while ensuring that product quality requirements are met. As a result, the quantity of pellets used in pig iron production was reduced by replacing part of this material with additional sinter produced according to the recommendations of the mathematical model for the sintering machine parameters.


Sintering machine; Parameters optimization; Machine learning; Product quality


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