Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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Biomass and energy connected with iron and steelmaking

Alex Milton Albergaria Campos; Amauri Leal; Sinésio Salles; Paulo Santos Assis

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This contribution elucidates the global evolution of iron and steelmaking, addressing critical concerns related to greenhouse gas emissions, energy utilization, and biomass integration. According to the findings presented in this paper, the future sustainability of iron and steelmaking, with minimal environmental impact, hinges on the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources. Specifically, the emphasis should be placed on harnessing the untapped potential of waste energy generated during the iron and steelmaking processes. This involves optimizing the utilization of energy derived from agricultural waste, organic waste sourced from urban areas, and livestock waste. By fully capitalizing on these energy sources, a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the iron and steel industry can be realized over the next 30 years. Consequently, this research endeavors to outline viable pathways for the steel industry to facilitate the decarbonization of their production processes.


Environment; Energy; Iron and steelmaking; Decarbonization; Green house gas.


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