Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Original Article

Magnetic and electrostatic separation to increase tin in heavy minerals concentrate of Rondônia Tin Province

Gustavo Simões de Araújo; Júlia Guimarães Sanches; Maurício Guimarães Bergerman; Guilherme José Ramos de Oliveira; Daniela Gomes Horta

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The Rondônia Tin Province (RTP) reserves display several valuable minerals, such as cassiterite (SnO2 ), columbitetantalite ((Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2 O6 ), and ilmenite (FeTiO3 ). This work evaluated the use of magnetic and electrostatic separation of heavy minerals concentrate from gravity separation of an RTP industrial plant to targeting a high grade cassiterite concentrate (>55% of Sn) for metallurgical use. Two samples were collected from the concentrate of shaking tables and spirals. The samples were characterized by determining their chemical composition and particle size distribution. Dry magnetic separation was investigated by increasing the field intensities, followed by electrostatic separation in nonmagnetic products. Wet magnetic separation was also investigated by increasing the field intensities using a scavenger stage. Dry magnetic separation followed by electrostatic separation was the most promising concentration strategy. Dry magnetic separation increased the Sn content from 39.24%-35.57% in the gravimetric separation concentrates to 57.21%-45.15%, with metallurgical recoveries of 87.33%-90.23%. In addition, electrostatic separation elevated the Sn content even more to 66.82%-71.54%, with metallurgical recovery of 75.67%-78.60%, respectively.


Magnetic separation; Electrostatic separation; Heavy minerals; Cassiterite


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