Pinedo, Carlos Eduardo; Monteiro, Waldemar Alfredo
Tecnol. Metal. Mater. Min., vol.8, n2, p.86-90, 2011
O processo de nitretação tem sido usado com algumas limitações para elevar a resposta ao desgaste dos aços inoxidável martensítico tipo AISI 420. Os problemas estão relacionados à combinação entre endurecimento, resistência à corrosão, desempenho em desgaste e dureza do substrato após o tratamento superficial. Este trabalho apresenta a combinação entre diferentes parâmetros de tratamento térmico e superficial de nitretação sob plasma. Diferentes parâmetros de tratamento térmico foram previamente estudados para atingir durezas de substrato entre 38 HCR e 50 HRC. As amostras foram nitretadas pelo processo de plasma pulsado. As temperaturas de nitretação variaram entre 480°C e 560°C, por tempos entre 1 hora e 16 horas. A caracterização microestrutural utilizou as técnicas de microscopia óptica e de difração de raios X. As durezas do substrato e da superfície foram determinadas pelo método de dureza Rockwell e por microdureza Vickers. A nitretação sob plasma promove um elevado endurecimento, atingindo 1.500 HV. Para substratos tratados para 50 HRC, a temperatura de nitretação tem uma forte influência no endurecimento. Utilizando uma dureza de partida de 38 HRC o endurecimento superficial atinge seu potencial pleno para todas as temperaturas estudadas. Como consequência, são discutidas diferentes rotas de tratamento térmico e superficial.
Aço inoxidável martensítico, Tratamento térmico, Nitretação sob plasma
Nitriding has been used for martensitic stainless steels to increase surface hardness. However, problems may arise related to surface hardness, core hardness, and corrosion wear resistance. This work presents results on the relation between heat treatment and plasma nitriding parameters in order to obtain the best properties combination. Heat treatments were carried out to reach hardness between 38 and 50 HRC. Plasma nitriding were carried out on temperatures ranging from 480 to 560°C, using times from 1 to 16 hours. X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, Rockwell C hardness and Vickers microhardness techniques were used to characterize the treatments. Results show that plasma nitriding increases surface hardness up to 1,500 HV. When substrate is quenched and tempered to 50 HRC the plasma nitriding temperature has a strong influence on hardening behaviour. Increasing nitriding temperature from 480 to 560°C substrate hardness drops from 50 to 38 HRC. Otherwise, using start tempered and quenched core hardness close to 38 HRC full surface hardening is reached after plasma nitriding and no core hardness drop is verified. As a consequence different routes for heat treatment and plasma nitriding are discussed herein.
Martensitic stainless steel, Heat treatment, Plasma nitriding
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2 Xi, Y.; LIU, D.; HAN, D. Improvement of corrosion and wear resistances of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel using plasma nitriding at low temperature. Surface and Coatings Technology, v. 202, n. 12, p. 2577-83, Mar. 2008.
3 LI, C. X.; BELL, T. Corrosion properties of plasma nitrided AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel in 3.5% NaCl and 1% NaCl aqueous solution. Corrosion Science, v. 48, n. 8, p. 2046-49, Aug. 2006.
4 TUCKART, W. et al. Sliding behaviour of ion nitrided AISI 420 stainless steel. Surface Engineering, v. 21, n. 5-6, p. 463-8, Oct. 2005.
5 PINEDO, C. E.; MONTEIRO, W. A. Surface hardening by plasma nitriding on high chromium alloy steel. Journal of Materials Science Letters, v. 20, n. 2, p. 147-9, 2001.
6 PINEDO, C. E.; MONTEIRO, W. A. On the kinetics of plasma nitriding a martensitic stainless steel type AISI 420. Surface and Coatings Technology, v. 179, n. 2-3, p. 119-23, Feb. 2004.
7 HONEYCOMBE, R. W. K. Structure and strength of alloy steels. London: Climax Molibdenium, 1973.
8 STAGNO, E. et al. Behaviour of sintered 410 low carbon steel towards ion nitriding. Journal of Alloy Compounds, v. 247, n. 1-2, p. 172-9, Jan. 1997.
9 MARKEV, K.; COOPER, C. V.; GIESSEN, B. C. Observation of compound layer with very thin friction coefficient in ion-nitrided martensitic 410 stainless steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, v. 99, n. 3, p. 229-33, Feb. 1998.
10 JACK, D. H. Nitriding. In: Heat Treatment’73, 1973, London. Proceedings… London: The Metals Society, 1973. p. 39-50.
11 LIGHTFOOT, J.; JACK, D.H. Kinetics of nitriding with and without compound layer formation. In: Heat Treatment’73, 1973, London. Proceedings… London: The Metals Society, 1973. p. 59-65.