Ghiggi, Maria Luisa F.; Osório, Eduardo; Vilela, Antônio Cezar F.; Barros, Ricardo José T.; Cruz Junior, Roberto da
Tecnol. Metal. Mater. Min., vol.9, n2, p.162-171, 2012
As causas da deterioração da permeabilidade da carga no alto-forno sob taxas altas de injeção de carvão pulverizado ainda não são bem conhecidas. Sabe-se na prática operacional que variações na qualidade das cinzas dos carvões injetados podem afetar a estabilidade do forno. Trabalho anterior analisou o comportamento de cinzas de carvões a altas temperaturas em relação às suas composições químicas e mineralógicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o mesmo comportamento em misturas de carvões. Amostras de quatro carvões e sete misturas foram queimadas entre 800-850°C e suas cinzas analisadas por fluorescência e difração de raios X e por testes de fusibilidade e viscosidade. Cinzas com teores mais altos de Si e Al apresentaram alta temperatura de fluidez e maior viscosidade a 1.500°C, devido à grande proporção de mulita e à baixa basicidade. Cinzas com teores significativos de Fe, Ca e S apresentaram temperaturas de fluidez e viscosidade mais baixas, em função da transformação de mulita em anortita e/ou da mais alta basicidade.
Injeção de carvão pulverizado, Cinzas, Carvão, Fusibilidade, Viscosidade
Some aspects of permeability deterioration in blast furnace process at high rates of pulverized coal injection are not well known yet. At operational practice variations in the ash quality of injected coals can affect the furnace performance. Previous work has investigated the behavior of individual coals ash at high temperatures in relation to the chemical and mineralogical compositions. This work aimed to assess this behavior for coal blends. Four coals and seven blends were selected and ashed at 800-850°C. The samples were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction techniques and ASTM ash fusion (AFT) and viscosity tests were performed. Ash containing high contents of Si and Al showed higher fusion temperatures and higher viscosity at 1500°C, due mainly to the higher content of Mullite and to the low basicity, while those presenting significant contents of Fe, Ca and S had lower fusion temperatures and lower viscosity, due to the higher content of Anorthite and/or to the higher basicity
Pulverized coal injection, Ash, Coal, Fusibility, Viscosity
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13 DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR NORMUNG. DIN 51730-1998-04. Testing solid fuels. Determination of fusibility of fuel ash. Berlin, 1998.
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2 ICHIDA, M. et al. Behavior of pulverized coal ash and physical property of dripping slag under high pulverized coal injection operation. ISIJ International, v. 41, n. 4, p. 325-32, 2001.
3 WIKSTRÖM, J.-O., e al. Improuved slag formation in the blast furnace by co-injection of basic fluxes, together with pulverized coal, through the tuyeres. In: INTERNATIONAL BF LOWERZONE SYMPOSIUM, 2002, Wollongong. Proceedings... Carlton Victoria: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2002. p. 18-1-18-14.
4 BAGATINI, M. C. et al. Estudo de fusibilidade das cinzas de carvões em função da composição química e mineralógica.Tecnologia em Metalurgia e Materiais, v. 3, n. 4, p. 52-58, abr.-jun. 2007. tmm.00304009
5 BAGATINI, M. C. et al. The behaviour of coal ashes for PCI at high temperatures in relation to their chemical and mineralogical composition - experimental and computational analysis. Ironmaking and Steelmaking, v. 36, n. 8, p. 583-589, Nov. 2009.
6 ASTM INTERNATIONAL. ASTM D7582-10. Standard test methods for proximate analysis of coal and coke by macro thermogravimetric analysis. West Conshohocken, 2010.
7 ASTM INTERNATIONAL. ASTM D4239-10. Standard test methods for sulfur in the analysis sample of coal and coke using high-temperature tube furnace combustion methods. West Conshohocken, 2010.
8 ASTM INTERNATIONAL. ASTM D4326-04. Standard test method for major and minor elements in coal and coke ash by x-ray fluorescence. West Conshohocken, 2004.
9 ASTM INTERNATIONAL. ASTM D5016-08e1. Standard test method for total sulfur in coal and coke combustion residues using a high-temperature tube furnace combustion method with infrared absorption. West Conshohocken, 2008.
10 VARGAS, S.; FRANDSEN, F. J.; DAM-JOHANSEN, K. Rheological properties of high-temperature melts of coal ashes and other silicates. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, v. 27, n. 3, p. 237-429, 2001. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0360-1285(00)00023-X
11 ASTM INTERNATIONAL. ASTM D1857-04. Standard test method for fusibility of coal and coke ash. West Conshohocken, 2004.
12 ASTM INTERNATIONAL. ASTM C-965-96(2007). Standard practice for measuring viscosity of glass above the softening point. West Conshohocken, 2007.
13 DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR NORMUNG. DIN 51730-1998-04. Testing solid fuels. Determination of fusibility of fuel ash. Berlin, 1998.
14 VASSILEV, S. V. et al. Influence of mineral and chemical composition of coal ashes on their fusibility. Fuel Processing Technology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 27-51,Oct. 1995.
15 JAK, E. Prediction of coal ash fusion temperatures with the F* A* C* T* thermo-dynamics computer package. Fuel, v. 81, n. 13, p. 1655-68, Aug. 2002.
16 WALL, T. F. et al. Coal ash fusion temperature-New characterization techniques and implications for slagging and fouling. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, v. 24, n. 4, p. 345-53, 1998. 1285(98)00010-0