Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Artigo Original - Edição Especial “Tributo ao Prof. T. R. Strohaecker”

Use of instrumented charpy testing on the fracture toughness characterization of metallic materials

Luiz Carlos Pereira, Juan Carlos Garcia de Blas, Sandro Griza, Fathi Aref Ibrahim Darwish

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The Charpy test has been used for over a hundred years as an important tool in the qualification of materials in engineering projects and in the development of new metal alloys. The instrumentation of the Charpy test allowed its use in determining the dynamic fracture toughness parameters (KId, JId), and thus the verification of the effects of temperature and loading rate on the performance of metallic materials. The small sample sizes, ease in preparing these samples and execution the tests have been guaranteeing their use in the various areas of engineering. Prof. Telmo R. Strohaecker was one of the pioneers in the use of the Instrumented Charpy test in the country in determining parameters of the dynamic fracture mechanics for the characterization of the fracture toughness of high-strength low-alloy steels.


Instrumented Charpy test; Dynamic Fracture Toughness; Ductile-brittle transition.


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