Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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Dilatometric insights into classical and modern maraging steels: a comparative analysis of grades 300, 350, and 400

Ana Larissa Melo Feitosa; Daniela Passarelo Moura da Fonseca; Leandro Gomes de Carvalho; Angelo Fernando Padilha

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Maraging steels feature prominently in the class of ultrahigh-mechanical-strength steels, achieving remarkable mechanical strength through an optimized combination of chemical compositions and a straightforward heat treatment process involving solution annealing and aging. In this study, the results acquired for the three main classes of maraging steels (300, 350, and 400), including grade 300 by additive manufacturing, using dilatometry complemented by other microstructural characterization techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Synchrotron X-ray diffraction, and Vickers hardness, are presented and compared. The main results obtained rely on the different dilatometric behaviors between grade 400 and the other grades (300 and 350). The former is characterized by lower Ni and higher Mo contents, appearing to present one main precipitate governing the increase in hardness before the occurrence of austenite reversion. The latter is primarily associated with two different precipitate types. The key conclusion drawn from this study is that varying the elemental ratios and production procedures play a pivotal role in the phase transformation of maraging steels, even suppressing the formation of Ni-rich phases and boosting the formation of Mo-rich phases.


18Ni maraging steels (300 and 350); 13Ni maraging steels (400); Dilatometry; Phase transformation; Additive manufacturing


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