Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Original Article

Impact evaluation of amount of burnt lime, moisture and pellet feed on the sinter fines fraction by utilizing a sintering pilot plant

Celso Luiz Moraes Alves; Ana Carolina Castro Barboza da Silva; Sara Santos Silva; Arnaldo Ledig Aguiar Silva; José Adilson de Castro

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The ironmaking industries are facing challenges concerning the necessity of reducing CO2 emission and the changes in the quality profile of natural iron ore beds. Thus, utilizing sinter pot tests, this work analyzed the impact on the sinter yield by the variation of the amount of burnt lime from 1.8 to 2.8%, and the moisture from 6.0 to 7.0% for two ratios of pellet feed in the iron ore mix, 15%, and 20%. The tests were conducted focusing on producing sinter with higher iron content. It was noted that: i) increasing the pellet feed with low silica content in the sinter mixture raise the total iron content in sinter products and reduced the sinter slag volume; ii) the increase of moisture or burnt lime separately was not effective to minimize the sintering productivity reduction; iii) increasing simultaneously moisture and burnt lime allow achieving levels for sintering productivity close to the standard operational level.


Sintering; Pilot plant; Pellet feed; Sinter quality


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