Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
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Use of auto machine learning, artificial intelligence, for predictive modeling of metallurgical properties of hot-rolled steel products

Alisson Paulo de Oliveira; Leonardo Sene de Lourenço

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This study aimed at predictive modeling, with Artificial Intelligence (AI), of the mechanical properties of sections produced from High Strength and Low Alloy (HSLA) steel, hot-rolled. The models were based on historical data of mechanical properties, along with the chemical composition of heats and the parameters of the rolling process. An AutoMachine Learning platform was used. This tool can test dozens of algorithms to achieve the lowest error. Simplified models were built based on statistical analyses of the database, while expanded models were developed using all available data. Despite mathematical precision, the models were developed to be metallurgically coherent with scientific trends. The results aligned well with expected trends in most cases. It was possible to evaluate the isolated effect of variables. The expanded models were able to generate predictions with lower statistical errors. Data variability is an important factor for the success of predictive models. Such models allow alloy design to be defined with greater precision, leading to reduced production costs and a better understanding of the effects of input variables. Data-driven decision-making is enhanced with AI.


 Artificial Intelligence; Machine learning; HSLA steel; Modelling


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